Tea Tree oil to rescue!

Benefits of tea tree oil

Benefits of tea tree oil

Hello Loves,

Hope you’re well.

If you follow me on Instagram, you must be aware of my love for Tea Tree oil. For new readers, you may follow me here 🙂

Tea tree oil is derived from the leaves of the tea tree. The tea tree was named by eighteenth century sailors, who made tea that smelled like nutmeg from the leaves of the tree growing on the swampy southeast Australian coast. Do not confuse the tea tree with the unrelated common tea plant that is used to make black and green teas. [source]

  • Acne and spots treatment

Few drops of Tea tree oil can be mixed with 20-40 drops of witch hazel and can be applied twice a day on acne with a cotton swab. However, I apply this undiluted on my pimples after cleaning my face and leave it overnight. My pimples are gone when i wake up next morning. It is advised that you should not get out in sun after applying tea tree oil so I prefer using it overnight.

I use The Bodyshop Tea Tree Oil  £8 (Packaging changed) for this purpose however you can use any organic tea tree oil.

  • Disinfectant for makeup brushes

I do not use specific makeup brush cleaners for my brushes. I give my brushes a wash using baby shampoo and few drops of tea tree oil mixed in lukewarm water. Not only it cleans my brushes, it also disinfects and conditions the bristles. I get clean and soft brushes to work with.

  • Disinfectant for body

I bought Tea Tree Oil when I was pregnant and the main reason for buying it was to prepare essentials for new baby. I used to watch videos about how to bath a baby etc and then I got to know that you can actually add few drops of tea tree oil to baby’s bathing water . My son is now over 2 years and Tea Tree oil always goes in the final last rinse so i know there are no bacteria even though he had a messy play before bath.

  • Dandruff treatment

Mixing few drops of tea tree oil with a good quality shampoo can help in getting rid of dandruff.

  • Treating fungal infection

Mix 5 drops of tea tree oil with 5 drops of lavender oil with a few drops of distilled water. Using a cotton swab, dab the blend on the affected parts except mouth. Yeast infection will be gone quickly.

There are many more uses and benefits of Tea Tree oil but the ones I mentioned in this post have been tried and tested by me or someone in my family.

Let me know if you have tried any of the uses I mentioned or do you use tea tree oil for any other thing? I appreciate every single comment.  

Until next time..

Loads of love,

Ash <3

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  1. I didn’t know that tea tree oil has so many uses ! I have read that it works best on pimples

  2. Hi Dipti, I have been using tea tree oil for 2.5 yrs now and I have only good things to say about it 🙂

  3. I’ve been meaning to try tea tree oil as a means to treat dandruff. Now I’m even more interested since it can be used so many different ways!


    1. Hey Mili, Thanks for reading this post and leaving a comment 🙂
      Do, give it a go and let me know how you get on with it after a while xx

  4. Wow! There are so many great uses and ideas here I’ve never known about…I used to use it on my spots and convinced myself it worked even though it really didn’t. I may have to repurchase now for my brushes and of course the babies 😉 xxx

    Sal | UmmBaby Beauty

    1. Ohh, I use it as soon as any breakout happens to avoid getting any spots at the first place. I use it with a Q-tip just where it is needed. You can try any organic tea tree oil and see if that works for u. Boots Witch Hazel is also a good idea.
      Definitely try cleaning your brushes and babies with tea tree oil (alternative to Dettol wash, you see )

      Thank you sooo soo much for always reading my posts and leaving comments. Love, Ash

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