Fixing shattered powder pans

Shattered pans
Shattered pans
Shattered pans

Hello Babes,

As most of you must be aware that I posted a picture of my shattered Mary lou manizer highlighter, Nyx eye shadow and an inexpensive blush on my social media some time back. I was suggested by two of my followers about how I can fix them. So, I did exactly what I was told and I am so happy with the results.

A couple of days ago, I was watching a video where one of the YouTuber mentioned about her shattered bronzer pan. So, I thought of writing this blog post and share how I fixed my beloved highlighter.

So, basically you need Rubbing Alcohol or surgical spirit. It’s very inexpensive and can be purchased from most Medical shops, I live in the UK and here medical shops do not sell Rubbing alcohol easily so I purchased it through Ebay. I bought Haz (blue one) Rubbing alcohol.

Process: Firstly wash and dry your hands. Keep paper towels or tissues with you just in case of any mess. I used a washable glass plate underneath so I do not stain my white chest of drawers. Open the pan and try to keep most of the powder within the boundaries of the pan. I used tissue paper to move most of the powder from the pan cover and sides of the pan. Then I added few drops of rubbing alcohol to the pan. You can add more slowly and keep pressing the powder. Adding rubbing alcohol slowly will keep the situation under control than adding it in one go. You will see, it will start to settle. So you will have to press the powder tightly. I did not press my mary lou manizer tightly so the pan does not look very smooth and can break again easily. However, with the blush I added quite a good amount of rubbing alcohol and it was all wet. I left it opened for drying for 2 days in a clean space. This settled beautifully and is very tightly settled. I am not touching the highlighter until any problem arises again. Next time I will add a good amount of RA slowly so it settles as beautifully as my blush pan did.

Rubbing alcohol added to the shattered blush
Rubbing alcohol added to the shattered blush
Rubbing alcohol added to the shattered blush and left for drying
Rubbing alcohol added to the shattered blush and left for drying
















All of the three pans are good to use and does not smell like spirit or RA after drying. There is no more trouble to carry those shattered pans and my brush won’t pick extra product now.


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Good to use again
Good to use again


Now, you can also DIY this tip at your home and fix those shattered pans and let me know if you faced any trouble. Also don’t forget to share your experience with me in the comment section below.

Lots of love , Akanksha (Ash) ♥♥♥


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