Bronzers for Medium skin tones

Bronzers for medium indian, asian, pakistani, srilankan south asian skin tones

Bronzers for medium skin

As its not Autumn yet (well technically) , I thought why not share bronzers that I am lovin’ lately and that work well for medium skin tones. I personally like to wear bronzer all round the year because i like warm kind of makeup looks. So for me whatever be the season, I’m always in a hunt of good bronzer.

I always sell makeup that I don’t reach for or that doesn’t suit me so I am sharing the ones I have decided to keep and that work well for me and skin tones similar to mine.

This is the newest out of all in my collection and I have not stopped wearing it since. The texture is smooth, buttery and easy to blend. The pigmentation is great and it is very warm bronzer that complements my skin tone. The formula is easy to work with and it gives me perfect bronzed the natural healthy bronze that you get from sun tan.

This has been my go-to bronzer for so many months. I just take a fluffy brush and sweep it across the blush and bronzer to give me a warm bronzed look. The blusher in this duo is tiny and is a warm coral peach which when sweeped on to cheeks along with the bronzer looks very natural. The texture is buttery and soft and pigmentation is medium and buildable. It blends beautifully on to skin without looking patchy.

This bronzer has slight gold flakes of shimmer which are very fine and looks gorgeous on the skin just like baked bronzers. The formula is very different and soft. The pigmentation is great and it stays for a long time. This is also one of the warm bronzers that complement medium deep skin tones. The fine shimmer particles doesnot stay for long however the bronzer gives a beautiful sheen on the skin that looks healthy and glowing.

This bronzer is in between cool tone and warm tone browns and it can look slightly muddy on some skin tones. However, it works on my skin specially on those days when I need a contour but I don’t have much time to do that. I use this bronzer to do a 2-in-1 bronze – contour step. It saves me time and does look good on my skin.

Bronzers for medium skintones

If you have any recommendations for me, don’t forget to leave your comments below. Also do let me know about your favorite bronzers. Until next time…

Loads of love


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  1. I love the look of Benefit Hoola bronzer. I need to buy it once my spending ban is over.

  2. I love all your choices here. They look beautiful!! 🙂 I love wearing bronzer all the time too…usually as my blusher lol! xxx
    Sal | UmmBaby Beauty

  3. Colourpop bronzer looks so pretty and warm enough for medium skin tone!

  4. That colourpop cheek pop looks stunning!!!! Need to get my hands on it haha

    xx SofiaaDot

  5. Love all of these bronzers 🙂 I think the Too Faced one has to be my favourite though. I have such pale skin I really struggle with bronzer!

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